Can I vote without a permanent address?
YES! In 1984, Coalition for the Homeless filed the lawsuit Pitts v. Black, which guaranteed the right to vote for homeless New Yorkers living in shelters, on the streets, or in welfare hotels.
What do I need when I go to vote?
Nothing. Arrive at your poll site between 6 a.m. and 9 p.m. on November 2nd for the general election. As long as you registered to vote before the October 8th deadline, you do not need to show identification in order to vote. To ensure your vote is counted, you should vote in the election district where you are registered and confirm your poll site before election day. Voters can also participate in early voting between October 23rd and October 31st, but the poll site for early voting may be different. For more information about your poll site, contact the NYC Board of Elections at 1-866-VOTE-NYC or visit
This year, all New York voters can vote by mail due to the risk of contracting the coronavirus. You can select “Temporary illness” as the reason for your request. You can apply for an absentee ballot by October 18th online at or by calling 1-866-VOTE-NYC. You must postmark or drop off your absentee ballot by November 2nd.
What should I do when I enter the poll site?
At the poll site, you will see tables and voting machines set up for your election district and others. At the table for your district, you will be asked to sign next to a facsimile of your signature on an alphabetized, computerized polling list. If your name does not appear on the roster, ask for an affidavit or paper ballot.
Can I vote if I was incarcerated for a felony conviction or am currently on parole?
If you were incarcerated for a felony conviction and have finished your sentence: Your rights have been reinstated and you are eligible to register and vote in this year’s elections. You can vote while on parole.
What if I have trouble trying to vote?
If your name does not appear on the computerized polling list or you are told that you are not eligible to vote, ask for an affidavit or paper ballot. After November 2nd, the Board of Elections will check its records, and your vote will be counted if you are indeed eligible to vote. If not, you will receive a notice that you are not eligible, along with a registration application for future elections. You may also call one of the numbers listed below for assistance on the day of the election.
For more information or assistance, contact:
NYC Board of Elections: 1-866-VOTE-NYC (toll-free)
NY Attorney General Election Hotline: 1-800-771-7755
Coalition for the Homeless: 212-776-2003