Saturday, August 17th, the Coalition for the Homeless partnered with Red Frog Events and Morton Williams Supermarket to host a donation site for the Coalition’s food pantry as part of the Great Urban Race, a city-wide scavenger hunt. A huge thanks to all the participants for donating hundreds of food items for the homeless and formerly homeless men, women and children in the Coalition’s Scattered Site Housing Program – which houses people living with HIV/AIDs – and Crisis Intervention Program – a walk-in program that provides a wide array of emergency services and referrals to homeless families and individuals. The Coalition helps 3,500 people daily and is always in need of your support to help our homeless neighbors. Workplace drives for food, toys, coats and other specific items are rewarding opportunities to help New York’s neediest and raise awareness of the historic level of NYC’s homeless crisis – with more than 50,000 people, including 21,000 children, sleeping in emergency shelters tonight. To learn more about the Coalition’s programs or how you can set up a drive for needed items, please email