Statement from the Coalition For The Homeless and The Legal Aid Society Regarding Criminal Subpoenas

Today, Coalition for the Homeless and The Legal Aid Society issued the following joint statement in response to subpoenas issued to three New York City hotels housing immigrants and homeless New Yorkers:

“The Trump administration’s use of criminal subpoenas to threaten and intimidate the people who work in and sleep in shelters is an act of cruelty that endangers our city and everything we stand for. These tactics will push frightened new arrivals, including families with children, out of shelter and into subways and public spaces.

“New Yorkers have always believed in providing sanctuary to those in need who are fleeing dangerous and oppressive conditions in their homelands, and in ensuring that no one is relegated to sleeping on the streets, exposed to the elements. New Yorkers expect their Mayor to defend these core principles and protect our newest New Yorkers who came here seeking a better life.”