New Arrivals in New York City

If you arrived in New Your City as an asylum seeker or other immigrant after March 15, 2022, find information here about the support available to you.

New arrivals single man.

Starting around March 15, 2022, large numbers of new immigrants, including asylum seekers, entered the United States after fleeing hardships in their home countries. Many of them eventually found themselves in New York. Referred to as “New Arrivals,” these individuals need shelter and other help resettling in this country. As discussed in more detail on the Rights & Information page, New York City currently has a new system in place for New Arrivals who have travelled to New York City as single adults or as a family without children under the age of 21.


Coalition for the Homeless, in partnership with numerous concerned groups, is working to address the needs of New Arrivals and to ensure New York City fulfills its moral and legal obligations to our newest neighbors. This page provides resources and information for New Arrivals and those who want to remain informed or assist in these efforts.

Events and Support