In Remembrance of the October 5th Victims


October 05, 2019
New York, New York

Four of our New York neighbors died
very early Saturday morning. They
were murdered while they slept.

People who knew them lovingly
referred to them as being
“kind and quiet,” “always grateful,”
“seemed so sweet,” and “very honest.”

83-year-old Chuen Kwok, 55-year-old
Narzario A. Vazquez Villegas and
49-year-old Anthony Manson
were familiar faces around the
neighborhood, though to most of us
they were nameless.

A fourth man* who also called the
area in and around the Bowery
home has not yet been identified.

For the most part, they lived quiet
lives. A man who knew one of the
victims said: “I’m just sad. This guy
never did anything. Just had a life
to live.”

Despite enduring the hardships that
were cast upon them, they were all
just trying to live their lives.

They leave behind families, friends,
loved ones … and 8.55 million
New York City neighbors.

* Our neighbor Florencio Moran, 39, has been identified as the fourth man who died on October 5th.

Photo Collage of Vigil held at Kimlau Square on October 8, 2019
Vigil held at Kimlau Square on October 8, 2019