“We appreciate what you do for the homeless. Thank you for helping the homeless. Please keep up the good work! From Skye, Becca and Julia.
Help the homeless. Thank you for helping the homeless. Thank you for caring for the homeless. Thank you for giving food to the homeless.
Dear Coalition for the Homeless: My name is Hannah. I am 8 years old. Ever since I moved to New York, I found it hard to look at homeless people because I felt bad. This summer, I decided to collect money by returning bottles for deposits. I collected $70.19. I hope you can find someone to give it to. From: Hannah
This was a note Maribella gave out with money she collected for homeless New Yorkers. Read her story here.“Dear _____, I’m giving you money because you need a house and food to [survive]. You might [be] able to get a [meal]. We collected this just for you, by picking up money from the ground. This might make you have a better life, cause we don’t want you to be homeless. Love, Maribella. We care about you”.
Letter from a fourth grader at PS 29 to Mayor de Blasio as part of the House Our Future NY campaign.
Letter from a fourth grader at PS 29 to Mayor de Blasio as part of the House Our Future NY campaign.
Letter from a fourth grader at PS 29 to Mayor de Blasio as part of the House Our Future NY campaign.
Poem by Ellie M. from Kids for a Better Future (KBF). Read more about KBF’s year of service to help homeless New Yorkers.