Facts About Homelessness

Number of People Currently Sleeping In NYC Shelters Each Night





in April 2024

But the total number of people without homes in New York City is FAR MORE than the number of people in shelters each night.

Note: The chart above goes back only to 2019, as that is when the City began providing consistent and comparable data on all shelter systems.

The chart below, however, shows the longer historical trend in the DHS and HPD shelter census from January 1983 through June 2023. Since the City did not begin providing disaggregated data on the number of New Arrivals in each shelter system until July 2023, the DHS shelter census from April 2022 (when the increase in New Arrivals began) through June 2023 reflects aggregated data on both New Arrivals and homeless longer-term New Yorkers in DHS shelters.

Click here for more details.

For more information on the DHS and HPD shelter systems click here.

For an explanation of how mayoral polices impacted the number of people in shelters, click here.