
This video featuring First Step graduate Valerie was shown at the Coalition for the Homeless’ 21st annual Women Mean Business Luncheon. ..Read More

Happy Mother’s Day

This Mother’s Day, let’s take a minute to celebrate the incredible strength and resiliency of the nearly 20,000 mothers who are homeless tonight in New York City. Our new video features a few of New York City’s 25,000 homeless children with a ..Read More

“I Have a Dream”

As we honor the enduring legacy of Dr. King this week, please watch this short video of homeless girls and boys talking about the dreams they have. Like any kid, they aspire to be everything from doctors and firefighters, to teachers and athletes…. ..Read More


Perry first started coming to the Grand Central Food Program when he was homeless. Now that he has secured housing, he continues to use the soup kitchen to supplement his income and is a regular volunteer with the program. ..Read More


Max has been homeless off and on throughout most of his childhood. Moving from shelter to shelter has caused him to suffer both academically and with friendships. Since joining the Coalition’s Bound for Success afterschool program, Max has seen his grade ..Read More


When I was 12, my counselor gave me a list of day and sleep-away summer camps for my family and me to consider. She thought it’d be a great way for me to open up and meet other kids who have struggled with some of the same pressures as me. My family didn’t ..Read More

Remembering Larry

Written by Tim Campbell, Director of Programs Larry had been coming to the Coalition for over ten years before he passed away in December. A short, stocky man, built a bit like a fire hydrant with the voice of a bullhorn, he was a colorful character to sa ..Read More


“Without First Step, I wouldn’t have my job, I wouldn’t be the mom that I am today…” ..Read More


Taneka became homeless almost three years ago following a serious car accident and devastating health diagnosis. When she first came to the Coalition for the Homeless for help, she and her three children were living in a shelter for nearly two years. We immed ..Read More