City Council Calls for Better Response to Next Natural Disaster

While thousands of families are still dealing with the fallout from Hurricane Sandy, this week City Council Speaker Christine Quinn proposed legislation to help prepare for future disasters. Her proposed plan was developed in response to multiple problems t ..Read More

A Note for the Grand Central Food Program

By Juan De La Cruz, Program Manager, Grand Central Food Program The Coalition’s Grand Central Food Program is out every night of the year handing out 1,000 warm, nutritious meals to homeless men, women and kids on the streets of NYC. We believe no on ..Read More

Today’s Read: The Disease of Poverty

…Poverty in this country is now likely to define many children’s life trajectories in the harshest terms: poor academic achievement, high dropout rates, and health problems from obesity and diabetes to heart disease, substance abuse and mental illness. [Ne ..Read More

Still Undercounting Homeless New Yorkers

Amidst all-time record NYC homelessness, the Bloomberg administration released its latest flawed “guesstimate” of street homelessness, claiming that the numbers have declined despite overwhelming evidence to the contrary. The City’s latest HOPE survey es ..Read More

Extend the April 30th Deadline For Sandy Victims

The Coalition joined with Annabel Palma, Donovan Richards, Brad Lander and Stephen Levin on the steps of City Hall today to fight for an extension in the April 30th deadline for Hurricane Sandy victims currently staying in hotels. For six months, thousands of ..Read More

Women Mean Business Luncheon Raises a Record Breaking $208,000

Wednesday, April 17, more than 300 guests filled the Grand Ballroom of The Pierre Hotel for the Coalition’s Women Mean Business Luncheon, a benefit for our First Step Job Training Program. Buoyed by an exciting keynote address from Gloria Feldt and the ent ..Read More

NY Observer: Bloomberg and the Return of Hooverville

Today’s New York Observer has one of the best long-form news reports in recent memory about soaring NYC family homelessness. The article, “The Return of Hooverville: The Deepening Crisis of Family Homelessness,” links the everyday struggles of one home ..Read More