Today’s Read: Jailed for Being Broke

Poverty and homelessness can often seem inescapable – and unfortunately, certain policies make it even harder for people to find a path to stability. As Matt Taibbi pointed out in an article for Rolling Stone, the bail system can be exceptionally harsh for p ..Read More

Today’s Read: Relapse or Homelessness for Recovering Addicts

A scathing New York Times investigation by Kim Barker details the reprehensible practice of exploiting people who are struggling with addiction and mental illness by placing them in overcrowded, unregulated “three-quarter houses.” Rather than providing ser ..Read More

Today’s Read: The Housing Affordability Crisis

Skyrocketing rents across New York City are the primary cause of the homelessness crisis. More and more New Yorkers are straining under the rising cost of living – and many people are just one missed paycheck or one unexpected medical bill away from eviction ..Read More

Today’s Read: State Withholds Funds From 16 NYC Shelters

Just one day after Mayor de Blasio announced the creation of an interagency “Shelter Repair Squad” to inspect and improve shelter conditions – a development hailed by advocates – Governor Cuomo’s administration inexplicably threatened to withhold fun ..Read More