Thank You For Our Most Successful Holiday Toy Drive Ever!

Every year, the Coalition for the Homeless hosts a Holiday Toy Drive to collect dolls, action figures, games, books and more for homeless girls and boys in New York City. Thanks to our generous supporters, this year we collected a record 14,000 toys! We kicked ..Read More

Today’s Read: How Legal Odds Are Stacked Against the Evicted

The housing affordability crisis has pushed countless people to the brink of homelessness. Many tenants are left to navigate the daunting eviction process and housing court system on their own, facing off against landlords who are almost always represented by ..Read More

Today’s Read: NYC’s Homeless Look for Shelter and Safety

The frigid winter weather pummeling the East Coast can be life-threatening for the thousands of New Yorkers who sleep on the streets each night. While New York City has a legal right to shelter and expands citywide outreach when a Code Blue is in effect, many ..Read More

Helping Homeless New Yorkers During Cold Weather

Each winter, thousands of homeless New Yorkers struggle to survive on the streets, while high winds, frigid temperatures, snow, and freezing rain can put them at risk of life-threatening illnesses like hypothermia and frostbite. The City declares a Code Blue w ..Read More

Today’s Read: America’s Homeless Population Rises

The benefits of the economic recovery since the Great Recession have not been shared equally by all Americans. In fact, as housing costs in cities across the country have skyrocketed, increasingly low-income men, women, and children have been pushed into homel ..Read More

Today is Right to Shelter Day

“The aid, care and support of the needy are public concerns and shall be provided by the state and by such of its subdivisions, and in such manner and by such means, as the legislature may from time to time determine.” These words, from Article XVII of the ..Read More