Watch The Video

Watch Coalition President & CEO Mary Brosnahan sit down with MetroFocus’s Rafael Pi Roman to explain why supportive housing is critical to ending chronic homelessness in New York City. ..Read More

Today’s Read: Low Wages Are Leaving Millions of Workers Behind

One of the primary causes of homelessness is skyrocketing housing prices in the face of stagnating incomes. Too many New Yorkers barely scrape by on minimum-wage salaries – just one missed paycheck or unexpected medical bill away from eviction. An estimated ..Read More

Watch The Video

Watch the Coalition’s CEO and President, Mary Brosnahan and Manhattan Borough President Gale A. Brewer discuss the importance a new City-State agreement for more supportive housing on NY1 in the video below. ..Read More

Playing, Learning and Growing At Bound for Success

For the students of the Coalition’s Bound for Success (BFS) program, the learning doesn’t stop when the school year ends. Every weekday from 9 am – 3:30 pm, these homeless boys and girls spend time together at the BFS Summer Day Camp laughing, playing, l ..Read More

Thank You To Our Remarkable GCFP Volunteers

Last weekend we were excited to honor our amazing Grand Central Food Program volunteers with a “Thank You Picnic” in Central Park. Everyone had a great time swapping stories and sharing food – which is really what they do best. Our amazing GCFP voluntee ..Read More

Congratulations First Step Classes 128 and 129!

Last week marked the beginning of a new chapter for 26 women in the Coalition’s First Step Job Training Program. After 14 weeks of intensive computer training, professional internships, resume writing, mock interviews and job applications, First Step student ..Read More