More Supportive Housing for Homeless New Yorkers

On May 29th, the Coalition joined with more than 140 organizations on the steps of City Hall for the launch of the Campaign 4 NY/NY Housing. The campaign calls for Governor Cuomo and Mayor de Blasio to negotiate a new City-State agreement to create 30,000 supp ..Read More

“Real Affordability for All” Campaign Releases Platform

The Coalition for the Homeless joined dozens of housing advocates at City Hall yesterday for the release of the Real Affordability for All policy platform. The campaign is urging that Mayor de Blasio’s soon-to-be-announced housing plan embrace strategies to ..Read More

TODAY’S READ: Homeless Hope for Better Days with New Mayor

Mayor de Blasio inherited a historic homelessness crisis when he took office last month. But the good news is he can take some immediate steps to reduce New York City’s shelter population with the right mix of housing-based policies. WNYC’s Mirela Iverac r ..Read More