Today’s Read: City Chips Away at Homeless Housing Costs

Every night well over 13,000 families with more than 24,000 children are affected by homelessness in New York City. Many of them reside in apartments with deplorable conditions used as temporary shelter, known as “cluster-site” units, for which t ..Read More

City Chips Away at Homeless Housing Costs

Heinze, 37, has been homeless since she lost her rent subsidy two years ago. She stays in this apartment, for which the city pays $2,900 a month. The money goes to a non-profit provider who leases the apartment from a private landlord and is supposed to provid ..Read More

Experts Discuss Homelessness Prevention

Homeless Services Commissioner Gilbert Taylor, Queens City Councilman Jimmy Van Bramer and the executive director of the Coalition for the Homeless, Mary Brosnahan, spoke about preventive measures designed to keep New Yorkers from becoming homeless. ..Read More

Bunche: Talk to the homeless

Every day I commute into the city along with hundreds of thousands of other New Yorkers. On my walk to the subway, I pass by a homeless man. For months and months, I walked by him and felt bad about it. ..Read More