Number of NYC Homeless Reaches New Record High

New York City has set a new record, but one not to be proud of: the number of individuals experiencing homelessness every day has reached nearly 57,000, the highest since modern homelessness began. Tonight, well over 13,000 families with more than 24,000 chil ..Read More

A (Bad) New Record High: Homelessness

The number of homeless people housed in city shelters hit a new high this week. Commissioner of the Department of Homeless Services, Gilbert Taylor discusses what the agency is doing to reduce homelessness, including eviction prevention and financial counse ..Read More

Richard Gere’s mile in a homeless man’s shoes

A homeless man with a knitted winter hat that covers his forehead almost down to his eyes stands on a busy Manhattan street asking passersby to put small change in a disposable McDonald’s cup. Had they bothered to look up from their screens for a second they ..Read More