Bound for Success Has a Little Fun in the Kitchen

This past week, our Bound for Success kids got to learn how to make a couple of their favorite sweet treats from scratch. Not only does making ice cream and crispy treats give them a fun break from the typical shelter food, it teaches them valuable skills for ..Read More

Congrats to First Step Classes 116 and 117!

On Wednesday, July 18th First Step staff and supporters gathered with the family and friends of graduates to celebrate the graduation of classes 116 and 117 – and to acknowledge the incredible effort, perseverance, and sacrifice it took for graduates to make ..Read More

The Coalition for the Homeless Responds to Lawsuit

On Thursday Mayor Bloomberg filed a lawsuit against Comptroller Liu for rejecting two contracts for city homeless shelters earlier this month. The Coalition’s President Mary Brosnahan issued the following statement: The contracts rejected by Comptrolle ..Read More

A Bound for Success Summer Blog

Each summer our Bound for Success (BFS) after-school program turns into an all-day camp for 30 girls and boys living in an NYC homeless shelter. Every week we provide something new for the kids to learn about and experience in New York. In addition to helping ..Read More

AIG Helps the Coalition Get Ready for Camp

AIG joined the Coalition as a Premier Corporate Sponsor in May 2013, generously funding three Grand Central Food Program (GCFP) vans and sending 10 homeless girls and boys to Camp Homeward Bound (CHB). Employees of the company have also leapt right into the ac ..Read More

New Video and Recap from Carnival Night!

Carnival Night for Kids is always a magical event for kids and adults alike, and this year was no different. Despite weeks of incessant rainfall, on June 12th the skies miraculously cleared and gave us a beautiful summer evening of sunshine and warm breezes. V ..Read More

Carnival Night for Kids

Carnival Night for Kids is the annual summer fundraiser held at Victorian Gardens in Central Park benefiting the Coalition for the Homeless’ youth programs, including Camp Homeward Bound, the nation’s first summer sleep-away camp for homeless child ..Read More

Extend the April 30th Deadline For Sandy Victims

The Coalition joined with Annabel Palma, Donovan Richards, Brad Lander and Stephen Levin on the steps of City Hall today to fight for an extension in the April 30th deadline for Hurricane Sandy victims currently staying in hotels. For six months, thousands of ..Read More