Thank You For Bringing Holiday Cheer!

On Saturday, December 13th more than 125 girls and boys from nine different New York City homeless shelters joined the Coalition for the Homeless for our annual Holiday Carnival. The children were greeted with activities, treats and gift bags full of small toy ..Read More

Guest Post: Paul Bettany

I first began working with the Coalition for the Homeless in 2012 because I needed help. I was writing a screenplay about a homeless couple who fall in love on the streets of NYC. It was inspired by a real couple who lived outside my apartment in TriBeCa ̵ ..Read More

CFH Testifies on NYC Homelessness Crisis and Solutions

On Tuesday, December 9, 2014, the Coalition’s Deputy Executive Director for Policy, Shelly Nortz, gave testimony to New York State’s Assembly Standing Committees on Social Services and Oversight, Analysis and Investigation on the current homelessness crisi ..Read More

Holiday Toy Drive

This holiday season, more than 25,000 children will wake up in NYC homeless shelters. While losing one’s home is difficult for anyone, it is devastating for a child – who must cope with the loss of friends, familiar surroundings and prized possessions. By ..Read More

Like Means Love

For each Facebook “Like” Angie Speranza gets on her photos featuring the Grand Central Food Program, a donor has generously offered to donate one dollar to the Coalition for the Homeless. Please Follow Angie and her campaign and help support the Co ..Read More

APF Co-Founders Receive 2014 Lennon Ono Grant for Peace

Art Production Fund (APF) is honored to announce that Co-Founders Doreen Remen and Yvonne Force Villareal have been awarded the 2014 Lennon Ono Grant for Peace for their public art program since 2000. A biennial award i ..Read More

Today’s Read: Cluster-Site Shelters

The Coalition has long derided the use of informal and often dubious deals between the City and private landlords to provide emergency shelter for families. Begun in the last years of the Giuliani Administration and expanded during the Bloomberg Administrati ..Read More

Watch A Discussion on Homelessness

The Coalition’s President Mary Brosnahan sits down with Department of Homeless Services Commissioner Gilbert Taylor and Queens City Councilman Jimmy Van Bramer to talk with Errol Louis about homelessness and prevention efforts in New York City. ..Read More

Spread the Word

Tonight more than 56,000 New Yorkers will sleep in homeless shelters – that includes nearly 24,000 children. Get the facts about homelessness in New York City with our new interactive charts, and please share with your friends. ..Read More