The Current State of Homelessness and Crucial Next Steps

Yesterday’s New York Times gave A1 placement to Nikita Stewart’s extensive examination of Mayor de Blasio’s efforts to end homelessness. Stewart’s first sentence succinctly summed up the gist: “By one key measure after another, homelessness in New Yo ..Read More

Happy Mother’s Day

This Mother’s Day, let’s take a minute to celebrate the incredible strength and resiliency of the nearly 20,000 mothers who are homeless tonight in New York City. Our new video features a few of New York City’s 25,000 homeless children with a ..Read More


This video featuring First Step graduate Valerie was shown at the Coalition for the Homeless’ 21st annual Women Mean Business Luncheon. ..Read More

Get the Facts

While New York City has taken encouraging initial steps to begin to reduce the record number of New Yorkers currently in shelter, both the Governor and the Mayor must do more to combat this crisis. Please read our latest report which outlines key policy recom ..Read More

I Spent the 2015 Blizzard with New York’s Homeless

I met Alberto Lora at our last stop Monday night, outside the public plaza at the Sony building, on 55th Street and Madison Avenue, as he waited in line for whatever was left of the food being handed out by the Coalition for the Homeless workers. ..Read More

Homeless for Juno: No Shelter From the Storm

As the snow blanketed New York City, more people than ever were left without food or a roof over their head. It’s just past 7 pm Monday night, snow is already sticking to the ground and the Coalition for the Homeless has finished serving dinner to more than ..Read More