Beneath the Sickened City

NEW YORK â€“ The lights still scream for attention, but on this night Times Square has the feel of an abandoned Hollywood film set. Gone are the hordes of tourists shooting selfies with Elmo and Wonder Woman. Instead, a lone SUV glides by and a passengerâ ..Read More

Helping Homeless New Yorkers During Cold Weather

Each winter, thousands of homeless New Yorkers struggle to survive on the streets, while high winds, frigid temperatures, snow, and freezing rain can put them at risk of life-threatening illnesses like hypothermia and frostbite. The City declares a Code Blue w ..Read More

Reality Check: Current State of Homelessness

Last Sunday, the Daily News ran a piece by editorial board member Alyssa Katz in which she discusses the current state of homelessness in NYC and Mayor de Blasio’s response. The piece contains a number of notable errors about the issue that deserve clarifica ..Read More