Coalition Serves Thanksgiving Dinner to Homeless New Yorkers

On Friday, November 26th, the Coalition hosted its annual Thanksgiving Dinner at St.Bartholomew Church in Manhattan. Nearly 200 homeless and hungry New Yorkers heaped their plates with turkey, stuffing and all the traditional fixings during a formal, sit-down ..Read More

Everyone Should Pay Their Fair Share

We have a record number of homeless New Yorkers living in our emergency shelters. Over 40,000 people, including more that 16,000 girls and boys don’t have a home. When you make one million dollars a year, it’s easy to forget what that means. It mea ..Read More

Coalition Donates Food and Blankets to Homeless Protestors

Zuccotti Park, the base of the Occupy Wall Street protests, has emerged as a dramatic contrast to the everyday tourist bustle and business suits of lower Manhattan. A palpable energy radiates from the encampment, and its borders are brimming with its charge: t ..Read More

Diana Mejia

Diana suffered through years of emotional and physical abuse. When she finally gathered the courage to leave, she found herself with few skills to enter the workforce. With First Step, she was able to become proficient in Microsoft Office and eventually landed ..Read More

Here are the victories you helped win in 2010

Despite record homelessness, there is hope. Your support of the Coalition helped steer the City of New York to adopt sensible, housing-based policies and champion the legal rights of our homeless neighbors. This year’s victories include: Reversing the Shelte ..Read More

A Day

A guest entry by Tiffany Lange on her experience going through the shelter application process. For almost all of today, Ethan and I were at PATH. PATH stands for “Prevention Assistance Transitional Housing”…which is run by the Department of ..Read More

One Thing You Can Do Today To Help A Homeless Child

It’s a national reaction to become immobilized when confronted with a huge problem. Time and again, I’m asked, “Yes, I’d love to help the homeless. But it seems so massive — what can I do?” Here’s one practical tip: If ..Read More

New York to Finally End Shameful Homelessness ‘Solution’

By Lindsey Davis, Director of Crisis Services, Coalition for the Homeless Originally published on the Huffington Post I’ve seen 25, 40, even 50 men, crammed into a small two- or three-family home filled with illegally converted rooms. Eight to 12 men to ..Read More