It’s Time to Make Housing Vouchers Universal

Originally published on City Limits. The pandemic has laid bare the economic and health-related vulnerabilities facing so many New Yorkers and highlighted the urgent need to provide everyone with access to both affordable housing and quality health care. Indee ..Read More

Your Rights as a Voter

Can I vote without a permanent address? YES! In 1984, Coalition for the Homeless filed the lawsuit Pitts v. Black, which guaranteed the right to vote for homeless New Yorkers living in shelters, on the streets, or in welfare hotels. What do I need when I go to ..Read More

Stop stigmatizing homeless New Yorkers

If there is one thing we have learned over the past four decades, it is that New York City cannot police its way out of the homelessness crisis. Far too often, homeless New Yorkers are subject to unnecessary interactions with law enforcement — and sometimes ..Read More