Joint Statement from Legal Aid, Coalition for the Homeless on Mayor Adams’ Remarks that the Influx of New Arrivals “Will Destroy New York City”

(NEW YORK, NY) – The Legal Aid Society and the Coalition for the Homeless issued the following joint statement in response to Mayor Eric Adams’ remarks that the influx of new arrivals will “destroy New York City” and that “the city we knew, we’re about to lose”:

“Mayor Adams’ remarks that the influx of new arrivals ‘will destroy New York City’ are reckless and unproductive fear-mongering. His dystopian comments dehumanize and villainize people who fled unimaginable situations in their home countries merely for an opportunity to provide for their families and secure a better life. This dangerous rhetoric is something you’d expect from fringe politicians on the far right of the political spectrum, not the mayor of a city that has always welcomed and celebrated its diverse and critically important immigrant community.”