I have slept on the floor or a chair while in the shelter, or have been bused in after midnight, or been bused/transferred to a shelter with no available bed.

Due to the public health crisis posed by COVID-19, Crisis Intervention walk-in services are temporarily closed.


In order to stay healthy and safe, we suggest staying indoors in a shelter, traveling as little as possible, and keeping a safe distance between yourself and others.


If you have a question about accessing shelter or other services, including if you have been denied access to shelter, please call 1-888-358-2384, the Crisis Intervention emergency hotline, and leave a detailed message, including your phone number. Advocates are available Monday through Friday from 9am-5pm. Messages received on weekends or after hours will be returned the next business day. Please note that the Crisis Intervention Program is based in NYC and only able to respond to questions regarding NYC services.

If you have experienced one of these situations while in a shelter, we want to know!

Call the Coalition’s hotline: 855-NYC-CFTH (855-692-2384)
Leave a message with your name, date of birth, phone number, and shelter.

Please note that while we strive to answer the hotline in a timely manner, the voicemail of the hotline may not be checked every day. If you are without a place to sleep, we strongly suggest you come in to speak with an advocate in the Crisis Intervention Program at Coalition for the Homeless. While we suggest you arrive early to sign in to see an advocate, if you are without any place to sleep at night please be sure to mention this to the security guard whenever you arrive.