Today’s Video: NYPD Getting Kicked Out of Homeless Services

The past several weeks have brought renewed scrutiny to the role of police in communities across the nation, as part of the fight against systemic racism. While the City budget agreement announced last week did not go as far as many had hoped in reforming poli ..Read More

NYPD Getting Kicked Out of Homeless Services

It was January and the mayor had something new he wanted to show the media. “Have you ever seen a command center like this in New York City history? I think it’s going to make a huge difference,” Mayor Bill de Blasio told NY1 at the time. “Its ..Read More

June 24th COVID-19 Virtual Memorial

On June 24th, several New York City faith leaders and homeless advocacy and services groups held the second virtual memorial service to honor the many homeless and formerly homeless New Yorkers, as well as those serving them, who have lost their lives during t ..Read More

Today’s Read: Housing Cuts Would Exacerbate Inequality

The past several months have underscored the now-familiar mantra, “housing is health care.” As Coalition for the Homeless documented in our recent report, the age-adjusted mortality rate due to COVID-19 for homeless New Yorkers in shelters as of June 1st w ..Read More