Housing Court Just Got Easier for NYC Renters

On Sunday, NYC Mayor Bill de Blasio and City Council Speaker Melissa Mark-Viverito announced the city would fund universal access to legal services for tenants facing eviction in New York City Housing Court. City Council will also pass legislation that effecti ..Read More

A Housing Solution: Lawyers for Tenants

Defending yourself in court might work in old movies or on reality TV, when the stakes are small and the judge is named Judy. But in real life, in the face of dire circumstances — like being tossed from your home into the street — you need a lawyer. That†..Read More

Call Governor Cuomo This Thursday

Supportive housing breaks the cycle of homelessness by pairing the stability of a permanent home with on-site services for people with mental illness, addiction, HIV/AIDS, chronic illness, disability or other special needs. Gov. Cuomo committed to develop 20,0 ..Read More