Experts Discuss Causes of and Solutions to Record Homelessness

On April 4th, a panel of experts discussed Homelessness and Housing in New York State as part of the Warren M. Anderson Legislative Breakfast Series sponsored by the Government Law Center at Albany Law School. Shelly Nortz, the Coalition’s Deputy Executive D ..Read More

Fair Share Bills Are NOT Fair to Homeless New Yorkers

The citywide affordable housing crisis has pushed record numbers of New Yorkers into homelessness. In an effort to meet its moral and legal obligation to provide shelter for all homeless individuals and families, the City has scrambled to open more shelters to ..Read More

Today’s Read: Why Is the Homeless Crisis Growing?

A combination of economic forces and misguided policy responses has pushed record numbers of men, women, and children into homelessness – leaving the City struggling to address the crisis. Although Mayor de Blasio has made notable improvements in some areas, ..Read More

Coalition Testifies on Mental Health Services

Last week, the Coalition for the Homeless and The Legal Aid Society submitted testimony to The New York City Council Committee on Mental Health, Developmental Disability, Alcoholism, Substance Abuse and Disability Services regarding oversight of the ThriveNYC ..Read More