Home Stability Support: Post-Budget Advocacy

Much of the conversation about homelessness lately has revolved around opposition to the siting of new shelters – but a bold proposal from Assemblymember Andrew Hevesi could dramatically reduce the need for shelters in the first place by rescuing tens of tho ..Read More

Today’s Read: Show HUD’s Budget Cuts the Door

Even with extraordinarily low unemployment, across the country far too many people are struggling to keep a roof over their heads. An estimated 7.7 million low-income families nationwide spend more than half of their incomes on rent, live in severely inadequat ..Read More

Show HUD’s Budget Cuts the Door

Ben Carson, the secretary of Housing and Urban Development, set the stage for President Scrooge’s meanspirited budget when he suggested that the government had made things too “cozy” for poor people and said that poverty was merely a “state of mind.” ..Read More