State of the Homeless 2013: 50,000

The State of the Homeless 2013 report is available here (PDF).  Following is the news release: For Immediate Release:  March 5, 2013 50,000: Homeless Count Crosses Grim Milestone In Bloomberg’s Final Year Legacy of Policy Failures Presents Major Chall ..Read More

Over 300 Groups Address Social Work Employment Issues in Letter

Over 300 social service providers signed a letter to New York State officials, providing policy recommendations regarding controversial social work policies. A brief excerpt is below or you can read the full letter and list of supporters here. We, the undersi ..Read More

News Release: Blueprint for Post-Sandy Housing Aid

Hurricane Sandy evacuees, New York City Council Members, and advocates held a press conference at City Hall today to present a blueprint for dealing with the post-Sandy housing crisis. The blueprint can be downloaded here. Below is the news release issued at t ..Read More