An Open Letter to Mayor Bloomberg

This eloquent, impassioned letter to Mayor Bloomberg was written by Tim Campbell, the Coalition’s Director of Programs. It appeared this weekend here, on the Huffington Post, with an introduction by Mary Brosnahan, the Coalition’s President. Here is Maryâ ..Read More

FACT VS. FICTION: Fact-checking Bloomberg on Homelessness

Refusing to take responsibility for the record-high 50,000+ homeless people in NYC shelters, Mayor Bloomberg and his officials have instead launched a series of baseless attacks on homeless advocates. Here we fact-check the attacks. Coalition for the Homelessâ ..Read More

Still No Relief for Low-Income Renters Hit Hardest by Sandy

Close to 2,000 low-income renters are still living in temporary hotels and SRO’s across the City after being displaced by Hurricane Sandy. The City Council has created a petition calling on the federal government to immediately provide housing assistance t ..Read More