Coalition for the Homeless Supports the Community Safety Act

Last week, the Coalition joined dozens of other groups, faith leaders, and council members to express support for the Community Safety Act, a council bill that would protect New Yorkers from discriminatory actions by the New York Police Department based on the ..Read More

AIG Helps the Coalition Get Ready for Camp

AIG joined the Coalition as a Premier Corporate Sponsor in May 2013, generously funding three Grand Central Food Program (GCFP) vans and sending 10 homeless girls and boys to Camp Homeward Bound (CHB). Employees of the company have also leapt right into the ac ..Read More

New Video and Recap from Carnival Night!

Carnival Night for Kids is always a magical event for kids and adults alike, and this year was no different. Despite weeks of incessant rainfall, on June 12th the skies miraculously cleared and gave us a beautiful summer evening of sunshine and warm breezes. V ..Read More

Make a Difference This Summer

By Annabel Strauss “I’m sorry, school’s over. We can’t help you.” This is the line I heard over and over again last week, as I called schools in NYC trying to get them involved in the 20k Kids Campaign. As the development intern at the Coalition for ..Read More

Carnival Night for Kids

Carnival Night for Kids is the annual summer fundraiser held at Victorian Gardens in Central Park benefiting the Coalition for the Homeless’ youth programs, including Camp Homeward Bound, the nation’s first summer sleep-away camp for homeless child ..Read More

The Young Women’s Giving Circle Focuses on Homelessness

The Young Women’s Giving Circle (YWGC) is a student-run service group facilitated by the Fresh Air Fund. Every year, the students choose an issue and spend months volunteering, studying, and fundraising around the cause of their choice.   This year, the ..Read More

NY Times Editorial: The Forgotten 50,000

Today’s New York Times includes an amazing editorial spotlighting the historic crisis of New York City homelessness, the failures of Mayor Bloomberg’s flawed policies, and the challenges ahead for the next mayor. The editorial, entitled “The Forgotten ..Read More