BFS: Back to School

By Angie Caraballo, Bound for Success After School and Summer Day Camp This past summer was full of fun and learning for 30 girls and boys living in a lower Manhattan homeless shelter, thanks to our Bound for Success (BFS) Summer Day Camp. We took trips, impro ..Read More

What Can I Do Today to Help a Homeless Child?

It’s a natural reaction to become immobilized when confronted with a huge problem. Time and again, I’m asked, “Yes, I’d love to help the homeless. But it seems so massive – what can I do?” Here’s one practical tip: If you have a school-aged child ..Read More

NY Times: Homeless Kids Need Housing Assistance

With some 20,000 homeless children sleeping each night in NYC shelters, a new NY Times editorial called on the Mayor and Governor to provide permanent housing aid for vulnerable kids and families. The Mayor’s response so far: No housing, but more and more ..Read More