Media Watch: Violence against the homeless – When is it news?

Yesterday a disturbing video surfaced of a D-list celebrity’s son intentionally assaulting a homeless man, for no other reason than his apparent homelessness. The television stardom of the assaulter’s mother made this video news, but it is certain that th ..Read More

Have You Sent Your Letter to Mayor Bloomberg Yet?

Last week, we released new data showing that the number of kids sleeping in City shelters is poised to reach 20,000, an all-time record high and an undeniable crisis. And yet, in the midst of this crisis, the Bloomberg administration refuses to give homeless ..Read More

Our Counselors Reflect on Camp

Kerryn “Jack Sparrow” Job: Lower Boys Unit Leader. I oversee the counselors working with boys ages 7-10. Years at CHB: 4 Outside of camp: I manage a seafood chain in Australia, and they allow me to take all of my vacation at once, so I can come to Camp ..Read More

What Camp Means to Me

By Bev McEntarfer, Camp Director, Camp Homeward Bound I have to admit, even after almost 40 years of being a camp counselor and director, I still get giddy with the excitement of a new season at camp. First the Camp Homeward Bound (CHB) counselors and staff ar ..Read More