Today’s Read: Social Impact Bonds

A new idea getting a lot of attention in the media these days is something called “social impact bonds.” From The Nation: Earlier this month, New York Mayor Michael Bloomberg announced the first-ever “social impact bond” in the United States. The bon ..Read More

Today’s Read: Working Full Time and Living in Poverty

Imagine working full time and still living $3,000 below the federal poverty line. This is reality for the over 600,000 New Yorkers earning minimum wage. These folks earn just $15,080 a year. In order to afford a two bedroom apartment at the Fair Market Rent, t ..Read More

Today’s Read: Solutions to Homelessness Within Reach

City Council Speaker Christine Quinn, Council member Annabel Palma, and our own Mary Brosnahan co-authored a letter to the editor in the NY Times today in response to an article on record homelessness. They are calling on the administration to enact the Cit ..Read More


Inocente Izucar is a formerly-homeless teenager living in San Diego. As a child Ms. Izucar moved more than 30 times in nine years — sleeping in crowded quarters beside her three younger brothers under one temporary roof after another, and sometimes even out ..Read More


Inocente Izucar is a formerly-homeless teenager living in San Diego. As a child Ms. Izucar moved more than 30 times in nine years — sleeping in crowded quarters beside her three younger brothers under one temporary roof after another, and sometimes even out ..Read More

Today’s Read: Story of the Mayor’s Indifference

Even as the Bloomberg administration continues to turn away families at the front door of the shelter system, the City has still managed to reach new record numbers in shelter. NY1 reports on the growing problem of record homelessness and the individual live ..Read More