Fact-Checking: Blaming “Out-of-Towners”

In an attempt to divert attention away from the current lack of housing options, some folks are continuing to blame out-of-towners for current record homelessness and the strains on the shelter system. We have addressed this myth before, but let’s re-l ..Read More

Fact-Checking Longer Shelter Stays

Mayor Bloomberg shocked a lot of folks on Thursday when he blamed rising shelter stays on “pleasurable” shelter conditions. See the media response here, here, and here. So what’s really behind rising shelter stays? The numbers tell a different story. ..Read More

Today’s Read: Shelter System Under Strain

Record homelessness and increasing strains on the shelter system are not flying under the radar as perhaps Mayor Bloomberg would hope. Instead the problem is getting front and center attention from the media, advocates, shelter residents, and neighbors. Today ..Read More