Today’s Read: NYC Better Off Than 4 Years Ago?

Are New Yorkers better off today than they were four years ago? As Mayor Bloomberg weighed in on this question, the Wall Street Journal took a look at some of the City’s social and economic indicators. Today, New York City has much higher levels of homele ..Read More

Today’s Read: Homeless Children Across America

his weekend’s New York Times published some stunning photos of homeless children and young adults. Currently, there are 1.6 million homeless children living in the United States and their plights are often hidden from the general public. But here is ..Read More

Today’s Read: Poverty Should be Big News

In today’s over-saturated news cycles, let’s take a minute to remember that poverty should be big news. Over 46 million people currently live in poverty in the United States – the highest number recorded in all the time the Census bureau has been ke ..Read More

Today’s Read: The Stresses of Poverty

New research indicates that the stresses of poverty can have long-term negative impacts on children. Several years of studies funded by the National Institutes of Health found that high levels of stress hormones can inhibit the proper development of children ..Read More

A Life-Changing Experience

By Justin Friedman, Counselor, Camp Homeward Bound When I was thirteen years old, I hit a turning point in my life: I discovered music and playing the guitar. This wouldn’t have happened if I hadn’t met a man named Joe Carbone who mentored me throu ..Read More