Toy Drive and Holiday Carnival a Major Success

By Sarah Murphy This year’s toy drive surpassed all expectations, with over 3,000 gifts! Generous toy donations from schools, businesses, and individuals around the city, as well as over $9,000 in financial contributions allowed us to host an amazing Hol ..Read More

Tell Albany: Renew and Strengthen Rent Laws

By Patrick Markee Can you imagine how, on a single day, a decision by New York officials could cause housing costs to skyrocket for more than 2.5 million New Yorkers and threaten many of them with eviction and homelessness? Well, that day is June 15th, and it ..Read More

Community Events Support the Coalition’s Efforts

By Rachel Edelman This winter was a busy events season at the Coalition, as numerous individuals and organizations held a variety of special events to support our efforts. The Coalition would like to thank all of those that held events to raise funds and aware ..Read More