More NYC Families Turned Away from Shelter Than Ever

As the City unveils a sparkling new intake center for homeless families, alarming new data show that last year the Bloomberg administration turned away a record number of families at the shelter door. Today’s Wall Street Journal (subscription required) ..Read More

Beyond Belief

In what has become an annual ritual, Bloomberg administration officials trumpeted the flawed results of their flawed street homelessness survey to claim that the number of unsheltered homeless people has declined — all the time ignoring indisputable City ..Read More

The ‘One in Three’ Solution

The Federal government has confirmed it: homelessness in New York City has reached record levels. As we reported in this year’s State of the Homeless, the number of men, women, and children experiencing homelessness has reached record levels. In fiscal ..Read More

Diana Mejia

Diana suffered through years of emotional and physical abuse. When she finally gathered the courage to leave, she found herself with few skills to enter the workforce. With First Step, she was able to become proficient in Microsoft Office and eventually landed ..Read More

Advantage Tenants – May Rent will be Paid!

Last month, Legal Aid won a court order requiring the City to pay the Advantage rent due in April for Advantage tenants. On April 21, 2011, that order was extended to May 2nd, and the City is therefore paying May rent for Advantage tenants. The order covers o ..Read More

New Federal Data Confirms Worsening New York Homelessness

The U.S. Department of Housing and Urban Development has released new data confirming that homelessness worsened significantly between 2009 and 2010 in New York City and throughout the rest of the state. Coalition for the Homeless released a briefing paper tod ..Read More