Event Benefits Project: Back to School

On Friday, September 10, 2010, Capicu Poetry, God’s Funky Children, and Xmental University got together at Notice Lounge in Williamsburg Brooklyn to raise money for Project: Back to School. Attendees watched with amazement as break-dancers tore up the da ..Read More

Help Another Kid

Fifth-grader Olivia Oldham asks fellow students to pitch in and help homeless kids. In yesterday’s Huffington Post, Olivia had this to say: I’m so excited for the new school year: the new classrooms, seeing friends again. But the best and most bri ..Read More

One Thing You Can Do Today To Help A Homeless Child

It’s a national reaction to become immobilized when confronted with a huge problem. Time and again, I’m asked, “Yes, I’d love to help the homeless. But it seems so massive — what can I do?” Here’s one practical tip: If ..Read More

Project: Back to School Kicks Off This Week

This week, the Coalition for the Homeless is kicking off our third annual Project: Back to School drive. We are partnering with the United Federation for Teachers, WPIX and many other groups, to put together 3,000 backpacks, loaded with supplies for homeless ..Read More