DHS Handshake Deals – No Deal for Homeless Families

I attended Comptroller John Liu’s press conference this morning. He released a terrific audit showing how reliant NYC continues to be on ‘handshake deals’ to shelter homeless families. Over $150 million taxpayer dollars go into these agreemen ..Read More

State Restores Homeless Funding but City Facing More Cuts?

Some good news out of Albany today: the Senate and Assembly have both restored the funding for New York City’s homeless shelters that Governor Paterson proposed cutting earlier this year. However, yesterday New York City Budget Director, Mark Page, s ..Read More

More Day Laborers Face Homelessness

Day laborers are again in the news for the plight they face in day-to-day living and the significant portion of them who are homeless. Yesterday’s article in the Queens Courier illustrates the difficulties and also points out that not all day-laborer ..Read More