New York to Finally End Shameful Homelessness ‘Solution’

By Lindsey Davis, Director of Crisis Services, Coalition for the Homeless Originally published on the Huffington Post I’ve seen 25, 40, even 50 men, crammed into a small two- or three-family home filled with illegally converted rooms. Eight to 12 men to ..Read More

The worst idea ever?

We’ve seen lots of bad ideas, but this one might take the cake. Mayor Bloomberg is once again planning to charge rent in the city’s homeless shelters. At a time of record homelessness and foreclosures, thousands of homeless families, veterans, ev ..Read More

Section 8 Devastation?

Today’s New York Times reports that as many as 10,500 families who are currently receiving Section 8 may have their vouchers taken away. This would be absolutely unprecedented and devastating. The problem is a result of a funding shortfall of $45 mil ..Read More

So where have the street homeless gone?

According to the New York Times today, there is only one homeless man left in Times Square. …Really? So where have the street homeless gone? With street homelessness definitively on the rise according to the City’s own numbers, it is surprising, ..Read More