Jobs vs. Homes

New DHS Commissioner Seth Diamond, an architect of harsh Giuliani-era welfare policies, wants more homeless families to work — but fails to recognize that housing affordability, not joblessness, is at the root of record NYC homelessness. In an article i ..Read More

Mayor Bloomberg Proposes Sharp Cutbacks to Homeless Services

The Mayor’s FY 2011 Executive Budget proposal includes dramatic reductions in funding for street homeless services, homelessness prevention, and shelter and services for vulnerable New Yorkers — and will lead to more homelessness. Coalition for the ..Read More

FACT VS. SPIN: Bloomberg’s Homeless Housing Record

Today we inaugurate an occasional feature called “Fact vs. Spin,” an attempt to counter some of the false, inaccurate spin about homelessness and housing policy that is, sadly, all-too-often perpetrated by public officials and pundits and then tran ..Read More